Anne Hathaway in Full The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman Gear

The Dark Knight Rises continues to film on-location in Los Angeles, California, offering plenty of opportunity for photographers to capture moments director Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. would just assume remained under wraps. It was only a matter of time before a sneaky stealth photographer snapped an image or several of Anne Hathaway in her full Catwoman costume, ears and all.

Below you’ll find a link to multiple images of Hathaway in the skin-tight Catwoman gear complete with the cowl and cat ears. In case you missed the previous photographs of Catwoman taken from Pittsburgh, those ears are actually high-tech goggles that flip down to cover her eyes. This is the first time we’ve seen up on her head in the shape of ears.

Hathaway clearly has some scenes here with Christian Bale as Batman and Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon. These particular images appear to be taken either during a big action sequence or just after it.

At this point I’m digging the look of Hathaway as Catwoman. She’s sleek, sophisticated, and looks to belong in Christopher Nolan’s Batman universe.

At this stage in the game, I refuse to draw any conclusions until we can see some final The Dark Knight Rises footage of the Cat in action. Maybe we’ll get that first sneak peek this holiday season.

View the images over at Just Jared

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