Zack Snyder Defends Aquaman on Radio Show

Imagine driving into work in Detroit, Michigan this morning while listening to 97.1 The Ticket’s Stoney and Bill radio show throw Aquaman under the bus and deem him unworthy of a live-action Justice League. Then imagine the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director calling into the radio show out of the blue to defend Aquaman with specific examples.

You don’t have to imagine because that’s precisely what went down this morning.

Snyder’s reps confirm to multiple Hollywood trades that the director was commuting into the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Detroit set this morning while listening to the radio show. He felt the need to defend Aquaman so he called in from a cell phone with a Los Angeles area code and thankfully The Ticket crew put him on the air.

Snyder argued that Aquaman belonged in the same live-action universe as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. He specifically referenced Aquaman’s strength from living at great depths that would be immense above teh water, and his trusty trident, saying it could “cut the flesh of Superman if they came in contact … he’s super strong.”

Before letting something slip he shouldn’t have and sending the Warner Bros. publicity department and legal team into anaphylactic shock, Snyder made sure to throw douse the rumor fire in water before it got out of control. “It’s not to say that he’s [Aquaman] in the movie or anything like that,” he added. “But he has the potential to be bad-ass.”

Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) has been attached to the Aquaman role for the better part of the last year. He and the studio have continually denied the casting, but with Snyder building up to a Justice League film, the inclusion of Aquaman is a foregone conclusion.

The uncertainty lies in whether Aquaman will cameo in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, surface in Justice League, or be held back for one of the other nine DC Comics films Warner Brothers is planning between now and 2020.

CBS Detroit has a recording of the Zack Snyder radio show call-in to defend Aquaman that you can listen to right here.

Zack Snyder Aquaman radio show

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