Star Wars Force for Change Winner Revealed via Surprise

Here’s today’s feel good story for the day. That is assuming you aren’t D.C. Barns of Denver, Colorado, and were waiting on pins and needles in hopes of being selected the winner of the Star Wars Force for Change contest that will send one lucky winner and a guest to the United Kingdom for a on-screen appearance in Star Wars: Episode VII.

D.C. Barns was formally revealed this morning as the Star Wars Force for Change winner via a YouTube video shared by the official Star Wars channel. Unlike the previous Force for Change videos there’s no J.J. Abrams and a behind-the-scenes look at the top-secret Star Wars: Episode VII set. You do get to see the folks from the fundraising platform Omaze as well as Disney and Lucasfilm representatives surprise Barns with the big news.

In total, Star Wars Force for Change raised over $4.26 million dollars for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). In addition, Lucasfilm parent Walt Disney chipped in an additional $1 million to the cause.

As Barns exclaims after being surprised with the big news, being selected the Star Wars Force for Change winner replaces seeing the original Star Wars: A New Hope theatrically in 1977 as his new favorite Star Wars moment. Can you really blame him? He will not only get a costumed role in the film but also a tour of the set and most likely get to meet a sizable portion of the cast and crew.

Congratulations to Star Wars fan D.C. Barns who we will see up on the big screen in some capacity when Star Wars: Episode VII is released on December 18, 2015.

Star Wars Force For Change winner

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