Spider-Man: Homecoming Concept Art Reveals Vulture as Villain

San Diego Comic-Con provided an update on Sony’s Spider-Man: Homecoming which is currently in production. The update addressed arguably the most prominent rumor floating around regarding the film’s primary villain.

Actors Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori and Director Jon Watts were on hand to screen a short clip from the upcoming first solo Spider-Man movie in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, a clip that for now will not be screened for the public at large.

Along with the clip Sony offered up the first piece of official Spider-Man: Homecoming concept art featuring the webslinger battling Vulture, a villain who didn’t quite make it into the previous two Spider-Man big screen franchises.

Michael Keaton will be portraying Vulture whose alter ego is Adrian Toomes. Keaton will be joined by Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May.

Spider-Man: Homecoming arrives in theaters next summer on July 7th. The first Spider-Man: Homecoming teaser trailer should debut later this year, perhaps with Doctor Strange in November, or early in 2017.

Spider-Man: Homecoming Concept Art Vulture

Spider-Man: Homecoming Concept Art

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