The Lego Movie 2 to Feature More Female Characters and Female Stuff

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, The Lego Movie co-writers and directors, have already begun working on The Lego Movie 2 and plan on taking a page out of Disney’s Frozen playbook to assemble the sequel. The dynamic creative duo recently spoke to BBC and opened up for the first time about where the project stands and who their target audience is.

“It’s important to us that the movie plays broadly and that we inspire young women as much as we inspire young men,” Lord said. Miller added, “I don’t want to give spoilers but there will be more female characters and more female stuff.”

The Lego Movie featured only one prominent female character, Wyldstyle (voiced by Elizabeth Banks), and independent woman with lofty ambitions. The two other leads were both males: Emmet (Chris Pratt) and Batman (Will Arnett). Lord and Miller feel their audience is equal parts male and female, and they want to ensure The Lego Movie 2 characters reflect that.

“You can feel that the whole movie culture is now starting to wake up to the fact that half the audience are women,” Lord continued. “Frozen is reflective of that — and I think we are all going to find a great flourishing of women film makers and subject matter in the future.”

“There’s been a real shortage of [female protagonists] in recent years and I think that the near future will be very different,” added Miller.

As far as The Lego Movie 2 story goes, Lord and Miller admit to having a treatment completed, but they haven’t written a first draft of the screenplay yet. There’s no need for them to rush considering The Lego Movie 2 won’t arrive in theaters until 2018.

Source: BBC

The Lego Movie 2 Characters Female

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