‘John Wick 3’ Nearly Perfect at Rotten Tomatoes

Critics can be harsh when evaluating adrenaline-driven action films. Then again, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum returning Keanu Reeves to what’s become his new signature role isn’t part of any ordinary action franchise.

The reviews embargo has lifted and thus far John Wick 3 is nearly perfect at Rotten Tomatoes with a 98% approval rating. As of Saturday evening this rating is based on 40 reviews with only one bad apple in the bunch.

Trends can be powerful and determine a movie franchise’s strength or weakness. In the case of John Wick, the trend is this franchise’s friend.

The original John Wick back in 2014 scored an 87% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes. John Wick 2 in 2017 upped the ante to 89%. Barring a rash of negative reviews, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum will remain north of 90%.

In terms of tick sales, John Wick racked up $88.7 million at the global box office with a nearly 50/50 split between domestic and international ticket sales.

John Wick 2 virtually doubled the global box office haul of the original with $171.5 million as the film’s audience grew beyond the box office with home video rentals and sales.

Can John Wick 3 top $200 million and keep the trend line moving north? If the reviews buzz continues to build and word-of-mouth spreads next weekend when it’s unleashed theatrically then there’s certainly a legitimate chance of success.

John Wick 3 Rotten Tomatoes Reviews

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