Five Terminator: Genisys Character Posters Introduce the T-3000

A quintet of new Terminator: Genisys posters have been released that spotlight two heroes and three radically different Terminators playing huge roles in the upcoming reboot/sequel.

The Terminator: Genisys character posters introduce Emilia Clarke as the new Sarah Connor, Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, Arnold Schwarzenegger as the old T-800 (a younger model also appears), Byung-hun Lee as the familiar liquid metal T-1000, and Jason Clarke as the new T-3000 built in the image of John Connor and programmed to complete the mission previous Terminators were unable to.

There will be more Terminators popping up in the film, of course, but these three are the prominent models that will impact the film and “reset the future” as the tag line reads.

Terminator: Genisys is the fifth film in the franchise and is directed by Alan Taylor (Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World). It is set to explode into theaters on July 1, 2015 and should command the July 4th weekend box office when it does.

Check out the Terminator: Genisys posters below.

Terminator: Genisys Posters

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