Deadpool Sequel Was Greenlit Before Deadpool Opened in Theaters

Fox’s Deadpool gamble is paying off huge dividends for the studio with the R-rated superhero flick taking down President’s Day weekend box office records one swear word and spurt of blood at a time. Ryan Reynolds’ depiction of the merc with a mouth was a left turn in the superhero genre audiences were craving and naturally more of the same is on the way.

Per The Hollywood Reporter’s insiders, Fox greenlit a Deadpool sequel ahead of the film’s release this past Thursday night after tracking for the film was creeping north on a daily basis. Opening weekend estimates jumped from the $50 million range to roughly double in a few days time. With a runaway hit on their hands, Fox executives weren’t trigger shy about unleashing more Deadpool on the world like they were with this first film.

Deadpool writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are reportedly already working on the Deadpool sequel. Director Tim Miller is not officially on board, thought the presumption is that the job is his if he wants it. Considering Reese, Wernick, Reynolds and Miller fought as a team to get the film made, I have a hard time imagining they wouldn’t continue Deadpool’s story together.

Read our Deadpool movie review.

Depending on how quickly Deadpool 2 comes together, it could end up on the big screen before the end of 2017. I’d peg the Deadpool sequel for a 2018 release assuming the report is correct and there are no hiccups during the development process.

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