Destiny PS4 Pre-Load Begins and Size Revealed

Those of you who pre-ordered Bungie’s Destiny for PlayStation 4 can get a head start on making sure you’re ready to play as soon as the game is released at 3am EST on Tuesday, September 9.

Sony has confirmed that the Destiny PS4 pre-load has officially gone live. What this means is if you pre-ordered the digital version of Destiny for PS4 or PS3, you can complete a 20GB install right now that will be ready to play early Tuesday morning once Sony lifts the release date constraints.

The way activating the pre-load works is simple. As long as the auto-download function on your PS3 or PS4 is toggled to “on,” the next time you turn on your console, it will recognize you’ve placed the pre-order and automatically begin the download from the official PlayStation Store.

If auto-download is “off,” simply head to the PlayStation Store, go to the Destiny page and click “download.” You can also use this page to place a pre-order if you’ve been on the fence.

The Destiny PS4 and PS3 pre-load is currently available in the U.S., Canada and Latin America.

Destiny PS4 pre-load

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