On Friday, Marvel delivered a short teaser for Monday’s big Guardians of the Galaxy second trailer debut. it was enough to whet my appetite — and likely yours, too — but Marvel wasn’t done with the teases.
Another Guadians of the Galaxy trailer tease popped up this morning to signal only two days left until the full trailer premiere. Does that mean we’ll get a third trailer tease on Sunday? I’d say the odds are extremely favorable at this point.
The second trailer tease offers up about 12 seconds of additional footage including some we’ve seen countless times from the first trailer. There are some new shots, though, including Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista) carrying an extremely big cannon over his shoulder, as well as Drax fighting someone with a pair of oversized knives.
The scene-stealer, and movie-stealer most likely, is Rocket Raccoon who gets to speak a simple yet all-telling line that sums up his personality. With Bradley Cooper offering the vocals, Rocket picks up a massive machine gun and utters, “Oh…yeah,” then hops on Groot’s shoulders and commences firing like crazy as we’ve previously seen.
Personally I would have preferred to wait until Monday morning at around 10am PST to get the complete second Guardians of the Galaxy trailer one time. However, how can you not love Rocket after that line?
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy from director James Gunn arrives in theaters on August 1.
Here’s the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer tease and new poster in case you missed it.