Team Ico’s PS3 Exclusive Trico Trailer Leaked

The dog for the followup to Ico is out of the bag a little earlier than Team Ico or Sony probably would have liked.

A trailer for a project dubbed “Trico” hit the Internet via PlayStation LifeStyle. What’s seen in the trailer is said to be early incomplete footage which may or may not change in future. In other words, nothing shown below is written in stone.

What can be gathered from the trailer is Trico involves a young boy and his rather large griffin-like companion who resembles an over-sized dog. If you play close attention to the animal you’ll notice a lot of subtle movements and detail, something which will hopefully extend beyond cinematics and into gameplay.

What is shown looks similar to Team Ico’s previous games, Shadow of Colossus and ICO. Other than that, we’ll have to wait until E3 to learn more about what Trico will bring to the PS3.

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