Final Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Trailer with HD Links

The third and likely final theatrical trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has arrived and brought with it a giant vacuum cleaner with green eyes.

I’m referring of course to Devastator who uses his giant cement mixer head to suck up the Egyptian desert and anything that looks cool flying into his “mouth.” Unless it’s a white van used by a couple humans to hide behind which the powerful suction doesn’t seem to affect.

No matter how imposing the ‘Bots look I refuse to convince myself that the issues plaguing Transformers will magically disappear in Revenge of the Fallen. Yes, we’ll get bigger and badder effects from the estimated $50 million budget boost. At the same time, some of those bonus bucks will bring us the young and inexperienced Autobot Twins, one of whom has “buck teeth.”

Judge for yourself by checking out the third Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailer below.

Nice huge high-res versions (be patient with the download) are available over at Yahoo! Movies.

  • Revenge of the Fallen in HD (720p QT)
  • Revenge of the Fallen Trailer in HD (1080p QT)

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