Don’t pack away or sell your copy of Prince of Persia for PS3 or Xbox 360 just yet.
Today Ubisoft announced the first downloadabe content is coming on February 26 simultaneously for both consoles. Dubbed “Epilogue,” the story will continue the adventures of the Prince and Elika past the ending of the original game.
Epilogue will include a new region: The Underground Palace. The Prince and Elika will have to escape from here using new powers like Energize to reconstruct destroyed areas to create new paths and Sprinting Clash, a dual move to charge enemies.
Ubisoft also promises a higher pace with more cunning foes, cleverer traps and demanding level design. The increased difficulty should amount to roughly 3 hours of additional gameplay.
Also included are new unlockable skins made available upon completion. You’ll be able to grab the Prototype characters of the Prince and Elika.
Check out the first three screenshots from Epilogue below. As soon as pricing is available we’ll be sure to pass it along.