PowerUp Heroes for Kinect Announce Trailer and Screens

Today Ubisoft announced PowerUp Heroes, the latest Xbox 360 Kinect exclusive title from the publisher behind Your Shape: Fitness Evolved, Fighters Uncaged, MotionSports, and the upcoming Child of Eden.

PowerUp Heroes is a full-body combat game that dresses up Xbox 360 Avatars in a variety of fantastical super suits, one of which closely resembling the Iron Man armor. The object is simple: use your body to melee with your opponent, dodge attacks and even launch rockets and other weapons.

Up to 20 super suits can be collected in the game with two revealed in the announcement: the Necromancer, allowing the player to control a hoarde of skeletons; and the Mentalist, which allows the player to take over their opponent’s mind.

Beating an opponent in either offline – including 2-player splitscreen – or online play results in the winner stripping the loser of their suit and taking those powers into the next match.

PowerUp Heroes will be released exclusively on Kinect this summer. Check out the comical announcement trailer, then click the screenshot thumbnails below the trailer to view the high resolution versions of each.


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