E3: Resistance 2 PS3 High-Res Screens and Concept Art

Resistance 2 was arguably Sony’s powerhouse Playstation 3 game showing at E3 with a dramatically beefed-up lighting system, more diverse and geographically spread maps, smarter and more agile enemies, and a 60-player deathmatch on a awesomely huge wooded map with vertical and horizontal structures and obstacles.

My hands-on time playing multiplayer was a fast 15 minutes or so. Not because I was on a roll, mind you. My time came towards the end of the show when the developers and Sony employees manning the other 59 slots were given a green light to stop playing nice. Those 15 minutes amounted to probably 50 deaths for me. But oh what fun it was.

Unfortunately single-player was only available as a walk-through but what I saw was pretty impressive. The new lighting system makes a huge difference in the visuals to provide more depth and realism that the first Resistance lacked.

You can get a flavor for what I experienced from Resistance 2 via the new screenshots and concept art below. All are presented in high resolution as you’ve come to expect from HDR. Enjoy, and look for more Resistance 2 goodies in the weeks ahead.

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