Crackdown 2 ‘Deluge’ DLC Coming November 16

Microsoft is breathing some new life into the summer sequel Crackdown 2 with an all-new DLC pack hitting Xbox 360 on November 16.

The ‘Deluge’ pack features a new mode of the same name that pits up to four players fighting cooperatively against increasingly difficult waves of enemies. Another new mode in the pack, ‘Capture the Orb,’ is a take on capture the flag. Other updates in the DLC include improvements to weapons and vehicles, new achievements and avatars.

Some of the ‘Deluge’ weapons upgrades will come exclusively from playing ‘Project Sunburst,’ the new Crackdown 2 Windows Phone 7 game. This game uses real world Bing Maps as defenses that you must protect from oncoming forces. The more you accomplish in this phone game, the more weapons such as rocket-equipped helicopters and more will appear in ‘Deluge.’ Likewise, success in ‘Deluge’ will unlock new items in ‘Project Sunburst.’

If you’re weary of purchasing ‘Deluge’ off the bat, a trial version will be available that includes the complete 16-player ‘Capture the Orb’ mode and a small single-player taste of ‘Deluge.’ The full version includes everything listed and will set you back 560 Microsoft Points.

Click any of the ‘Deluge’ screens below for a high resolution look.

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