AMC will start shooting The Walking Dead spin-off later this year and here we are, gearing up to enter October and we still don’t know a lick of where or when the show is set. I hate to disappoint as those unknowns remain so, but a leak has described who The Walking Dead spin-off characters are and surprisingly how most of them are related to one another.
TVLine dropped The Walking Dead spin-off characters scoop over the weekend that might align with rumors that the new companion series will be a prequel set during the immediate days after the virus outbreak triggering the zombie apocalypse that Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and his group inhabit began to spread. The character descriptions below support this theory as they sound like ordinary people and there’s mention of one being “too old to flee” and another who wants to “get out of dodge.”
Here’s the The Walking Dead spin-off characters descriptions for what is supposedly the core cast.
Sean Cabrera: A Latino male in his early 40s, Sean is a good man trying to do right by everyone in his life.
Cody Cabrera: Sean’s whip-smart and rebellious teenage son. Known as the angriest kid in town.
Nancy Tompkins: A thirtysomething single mom to two kids, Nancy looks like the girl next door, but there’s an edge to her.
Nick Tompkins: Nancy’s screwed up teenage son. He’s too old to stay home, too scared to flee.
Ashley Tompkins: Nancy’s mostly level-headed teenage daughter. Her ambition is in direct proportion to her older brother’s failures. She loves her mom but it’s time to get out of Dodge.
Andrea Chapman: A somewhat wilted flower child, fortysomething Andrea has retreated to the outskirts of the city to recover after a horrible marriage.
It would seem this group is comprised primarily of two families of different ethnicities and an outsider woman who all hail from the same town on the outskirts of a big city where the outbreak is starting to have an effect; like the Brady Bunch and Alice, only with zombies.
I was hoping for something more outside of the existing TWD creative box like following a military group or people formerly in power, but thus far The Walking Dead spin-off plot from Robert Kirkman, showrunner Dave Erickson and their team doesn’t seem too far removed from the unconscious Rick period of The Walking Dead pilot episode where humans still outnumbered walkers.