In the second installment of HBO and Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us series titled Infected, Joel, Tess, and Ellie hit the road and run into obstacles on their way through Boston. Episode 2 is directed by N.D.’s Neil Druckmann and, will premiere on streaming and TV Sunday, January 22 at 9/8c via HBO and HBO Max.
Find out how to watch The Last of Us Episode 2 online free without cable either live or on-demand anytime after they premiere by utilizing an HBO Max free trial.
HBO Max Free Trial via Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime members can take advantage of an HBO Max 7-day free trial period to check out The Last of Us via Prime Video channels. The newest episode and prior episodes are all available to stream.
After the 7-day free trial is up you can decide if you want to keep HBO Max to watch future entertainment offerings, or cancel before the trial expires.
If you don’t have Amazon Prime yet, sign-up for a 30-day Prime free trial or a six-month free trial if you’re a student, then take advantage of the 7-day HBO Max free trial and the series will be at your fingertips or voice by saying “Alexa, play The Last of Us on HBO Max.”
About The Last of Us Series
The official HBO Max description for The Last of Us Episode 2: Infection reads as follows. “Joel, Tess, and Ellie traverse through an abandoned and flooded Boston hotel on their way to drop Ellie off with a group of Fireflies.”
Starring in The Last of Us Season 1 are Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Gabriel Luna, Merle Dandridge, Anna Torv, Nico Parker, Murray Bartlett, and Nick Offerman.