The Force is strong with the Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con trailer that was released this evening as the first public screening for the upcoming new Lucasfilm and Disney TV series began in San Diego.
Of all the Star Wars Rebels clips and trailers released to date, including the extended trailer from only a few days ago, this one pulls the most recognizable situations and characters from the Original and Prequel trilogies. It begins with a holographic message delivering news that Jedi Knight Luminara Unduli survived Order 66 and is currently in Imperial custody. This sparks plans to spring her from captivity.
The Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con trailer goes on to reveal that young Ezra, the newest member of the young rebel group, is Force sensitive and becomes the Padawan of Kanan Jarrus. As he begins to use the Force in battle, the Empire becomes aware of he and his master’s existence. This leads the Inquisitor, a hunter of Jedi, to track them down.
More than anything Star Wars Rebels feels like the Original Star Wars trilogy with dog fights against Imperial Tie Fighters, campy humor, and C-3P0 bickering with R2-D2. You get the feeling that cameos by Grand Moff Tarkin, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, General Madine and other Original trilogy characters are just around the corner.
We’re still waiting to report the Star Wars Rebels one-hour special premiere date on Disney XD that will fall sometime in October.