Tag: Seth Green

Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse Review

Family Guy is one of those properties that people really, really love, or hate with passionate disgust. Seth McFarlane's first televised creation has polarized people since it first premiered after the Super Bowl in 1999. But it quickly developed a…  Read More
out of 5

Mars Needs Moms Blu-ray 3D Review

Disney and Robert Zemeckis' Mars Needs Moms will forever be remembered as the historic box office flop that finally got the acclaimed director to take a step back from his love affair with employing motion-capture in feature films. It's a…  Read More
out of 5

Blu-ray Giveaway: Old Dogs

 Contest has closed.  On March 9, Disney is debuting the family comedy Old Dogs starring John Travolta and Robin William on Blu-ray Disc and DVD. To help support the release, we are giving away two of the Blu-ray Disc editions (that come packaged with the DVD version… Read More
