Tag: PS

LittleBigPlanet Karting Confirmed by Sony

Last week Sony confirmed rumor reports via Twitter that LittleBigPlanet Karting is in development and more information will be released shortly, probably if not before E3 then at E3. What initially seems like a great idea is more a puzzling… Read More

PS3 Move Sports Champions Bundle Review

When the current generation of consoles was in development, few anticipated that motion-control would be more than a gimmick. Only Nintendo's Wii offered motion-control capabilities on launch yet here we are, four years after Wii first appeared, with both Sony…  Read More
out of 5

PS4 Viral Video an E3 Leak or Fake?

Remember how Sony executives continue to stress that their Playstation consoles are designed with a life-cycle of 10 years? PS3 isn’t even four years old yet and already this weird “leaked” viral video that popped up on… Read More
