Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 12 ‘The Night Lands’ Review

Game of Thrones Season 2 Premiere Episode 12 The Night Lands ReviewLast week’s episode and Season 2 premiere of Game of Thrones, ‘The North Remembers,’ had some great moments, but for all intents and purposes was more of a setup episode. Seeing where all the pieces have landed since the end of Season 1. The stories playing catch up with old faces while meeting some new ones along the way. With only a ten episode season, one would think they’d have to start kicking it in to full gear immediately, but this week’s episode, ‘The Night Lands,’ ended up being simply more setup and introductions. Well, that and sex. Lots of sex.

The killing of all of the posthumous King Robert’s bastard children continues on. Having been given info about Gendry, two members of the City Watch have caught up with the roaming horde heading for Castle Black. Arya, still in disguise as a young boy, immediately thinks they are after her and begins to panic. The two gold cloaks are run off, but not before they announce they are hunting for Gendry and are willing to pay quite nicely for him. Arya and Gendry’s bond seems to strengthen even more once they both know they are being hunted. Gendry also reveals that he knows Arya is a girl and she in turn reveals that she is a Stark. She’s obviously learned how to keep secrets from her late father.

Tyrion continues to be the absolute best character of the show and proves he’s one of the few that actually knows how to make a good decision. He’s removed Janos from the City Watch and given him a life sentence to Castle Black as part of the Night’s Watch, appointing Bronn to Janos’ now former position. He also has an excellent exchange with Varys basically informing him that he’s not Ned Stark and that he knows full well how to play the game.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Premiere Episode 12 The Night Lands Review

Speaking of the Night’s Watch, they are still residing amongst Craster and his daughter-wife factory he’s created. Although Jon Snow is attempting to stay out of things, Sam has piqued his interest when he discovers one of the daughter-wives is pregnant and wants to escape before Craster can have her son. One night Jon follows Craster deep into the woods where he seems him lay down the child almost as a sacrifice or tribute. A dark figure picks up the child. Was it a White Walker (please be a White Walker), a Wildling or something else entirely? Unfortunately, it’s still a mystery as Craster gets the drop on Jon Snow and gives him a pretty big wallop across the head.

Daenerys is still biding time in the Red Waste awaiting word from any of the three riders she sent out. Rathrako’s horse returns without him. Well, without most of him. His head has been stuffed in the horse’s saddlebag and, adding more shame to his death, his braid has been cut and sent along with him. Things are looking bleaker for Daenerys and her people.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Premiere Episode 12 The Night Lands Review

Theon has set sail for his home in the Iron Islands to hopefully create a deal between his father, Balon Greyjoy, and Robb Stark. Theon has always had a smug sense of self worth about him, but here he’s almost unbearable. After having his way the ship captain’s daughter, he lands expecting nothing short of a grand celebration to welcome him home. What he gets is absolutely nothing, which cuts at his growing ego pretty deep. He manages to find a ride to his father’s castle from a local girl who he immediately begins laying his “busy hands” upon, only to discover once they arrive at the castle that he has indeed been foreplaying with his own sister, Yara. Oh, gross.

Balon seems less than pleased by the return of his son and begins cutting him down and never lets up. He refuses to side with Robb Stark since, as far as he is concerned, the Starks are still their enemy. He also doesn’t see a need in using Theon in his army as Yara has proved herself to be a skilled warrior and worthy of leading the men of the Iron Islands. Balon believes in paying the “Iron price” for anything gained, which is going to further complicate things for Robb Stark and his armies.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Premiere Episode 12 The Night Lands Review

While on the subject of feuds within feuds, the Baratheons still seem to be at odds. Stannis is mightily outnumbered to his brother’s rising army, but his flaming red sorceress/seductress Melisandre informs him that they will succeed as “these armies are toys to the Lord of Light.” She also manages to break Stannis’ cold and emotionless exterior by enticing him to make love to her. He initially resists, claiming his marriage and honor as reasons against it, but once Melisandre evokes that she could give him a son, an heir that his wife never could, he can’t help but give in. With all the baby killing going around, it’s an interesting opposite to see someone attempting to create new life for a change.

All in all, it was a pretty fair episode. Although it was light on action, it still came across as compelling and entertaining. I have a feeling they are burning through chapters of the book in broad strokes, but it’s all coming together quite nicely.

I love seeing Tryion practically own everyone that comes into contact with him. Even Varys, someone else that relies on their wits, seems slightly humbled in his presence. I’m worried that Daenerys, who was one of the shining spots of Season 1, is going to be floundering in the desert with little to nothing to do all season, but I hope that’s not the case. Cersei’s time seems short lived as she either continues to make rash decisions or stands idly by as Joffrey makes them. Either way, I hope they both get their comeuppance sooner rather than later. I’m also hoping this rude awakening for Theon will help center his character and he can drop the ego and it is unnecessary and unwarranted.

| What did everyone else think? Any stand out or head-shaking moments? Feel free to discuss in the comments section below, but remember, no book spoilers. I am aware that some instances in this episode were different than the book, but let’s keep the discussion strictly to the show. Thanks.

– Matt Hardeman

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