Wii U Box Art for Three Ubisoft Games Appear at Amazon

Wii U Box Art for Three Ubisoft Games Appear at AmazonNintendo has remained quiet on revealing Wii U specifics with roughly three months to go until the new console’s anticipated November release. We still don’t have a release date, price, box art, or finalized pack out specs.

Thanks to Amazon.com’s Canadian website, we do have what might be the final trilingual box art for several Ubisoft Wii U launch titles including Assassin’s Creed 3, Just Dance 4, Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth. Each features the key art shared with other console versions, along with a Wii U logo in blue and yellow across the top and a Nintendo Network logo in the upper right.

Let’s assume this is the final box art for Wii U. If so, Nintendo is sticking wtih the DVD-size cases for their games and not moving to the smaller Blu-ray-size cases Sony uses for Playstation 3. There goes any possibility of having a vertically even next generation game shelf.

It is widely expected that Nintendo will reveal all the Wii U details we have been waiting for in September. My prediction is a $249.99 price, no pack-in game (though I think Nintendoland should be one), and the tablet controller. I can’t see Nintendo including a Wii-mote and inch up the price as a result.

Wii U Box Art for Three Ubisoft Games Appear at Amazon

Wii U Box Art for Three Ubisoft Games Appear at Amazon

Wii U Box Art for Three Ubisoft Games Appear at Amazon

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