Update: A trio of additional images from The Hunger Games has been released and added below. In them you can see the fruits of Josh Hutcherson’s gym dedication as well as Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Lawrence sharing a scene together.
Original article (July 27, 2011): Entertainment Weekly has dedicated a second cover to Lionsgate’s The Hunger Games film, this time focusing on the boy stars Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson as Gale and Peeta, respectively. Additional photos and information will be available when the issue hits newsstands this Friday.
The cover image looks like it was taken around the same time as the Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen shot, right as production was gearing up to get going. Both actors appear to have buffed up for their roles, especially Hutcherson.
In a brief interview snippet accompanying the reveal, Hutcherson assures fans that he’s no more than a half-inch shorter than Jennifer Lawrence. There had been speculation that the tall actress would tower over her co-star.
The Hunger Games hits theaters on March 23, 2012. I fully expect to see a few more EW covers dedicated to the film between now and then.