Twilight New Moon French Trailer Appears Early

The Internet was abuzz earlier today when someone in France recorded the second The Twilight Saga: New Moon trailer during a screening and uploaded the video full of shirtless Taylor Lautner to YouTube. Almost as fast as it went up, Summit Entertainment pulled it down.

Copies of the New Moon trailer sprung up throughout the rest of the day and Summit’s legal team likely had their hands full squashing every online copy they could find. They may have a rougher time on Friday when the trailer begins showing stateside in front of Bandslam.

I happened to catch the bootleg French New Moon trailer and think a lot of you will be disappointed. If you have seen the two Comic-Con clips then you’ve seen half the trailer already. Most of the new and interesting stuff, including glimpses of the Volturi vampires, are packed into a final closing montage of quick cut scenes that really don’t give away much of anything.

I will pass along the official New Moon trailer once Summit offers it online.

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