Toy Story 3 Reviews Perfect at Rotten Tomatoes

Death and taxes are said to be the only certainties in life. While I agree they are certainties, I’d like to offer another.

As of the clock striking midnight on the east coast and Pixar’s Toy Story 3 officially arriving in theaters, the sequel maintains a perfect 100% fresh rating at movie reviews aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes. That means not one critic of the 85 whom have submitted Toy Story 3 reviews did not like the film.

While this perfect score at Rotten Tomatoes may seem unprecedented, it is far from when it comes to this franchise. The first Toy Story film holds onto a perfect 100% score. As does the sequel, Toy Story 2. So that’s three films in the franchise and not a single bad review among them.

Add critics unanimously liking Toy Story films to death and taxes for the only certainties in life. It’s as sure a bet as exists.

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