Tom Hardy’s appearance in George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road has managed to remain under wraps throughout the shoot’s entirety. That’s a rare feat in today’s age of cell phone cameras and social media, aided by the fact that Miller shot the film in South Africa and Namibia where prying eyes were kept at a minimum.
Yesterday a curious image began making the Internet rounds after first appearing on Twitter. The image features Tom Hardy in the desert with several layers of dust and filth on top of his leather digs. The image is reminiscent of how Mel Gibson looked in the previous “Mad Max” films so it has to be Hardy in Fury Road, right?
As it turns out the image is indeed from Mad Max: Fury Road, as confirmed by Warner Bros. It’s an autographed still that Hardy gave out to the cast and crew upon completion of principal photography that lasted approximately six months. For now it’s our first and only look at the film’s hero.
There’s a second image making the rounds as well. It features a large printout of the film’s signature (for now) vehicle, the “War Rig,” that has been autographed by the “Five Wives” that will appear in the film as played by Courtney Eaton, Zoe Kravitz, Riley Keough, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Abbey Lee Kershaw.
The Mad Max: Fury Road The plot revolves around the “War Rig” that is driven by Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) as it flees across the Wasteland carrying the “Five Wives” in a cage. Mad Max will get involved in the Road War that follows. Or, as the official synopsis puts it, “[the film is] based on the Word Burgers of the History Men and eyewitness accounts of those who survived.”
Also appearing in Mad Max: Fury Road are Nathan Jones, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Nicholas Hoult, Josh Helman, Jennifer Hagan, and iOTA. The film will speed into theaters sometime in 2014 in 3D.

Source: AICN