Action figure manufacturer ThreeZero upped their game in the one-sixth scale premium action figure arena last summer when they unveiled acquisition of the license for AMC’s The Walking Dead, the highest rated series in cable television history. Since then the first figures from the upcoming line, Michonne’s Pet zombies, have gone up for pre-order with several additional figures in development and on the way.
A couple weeks ago, ThreeZero added an intriguing image to their Facebook page of lead designer Kim’s work desk that included various bits and parts of The Walking Dead figures in development. Clearly visible were Merle Dixon, Daryl Dixon, the Governor’s vest, and the head of Rick Grimes. Also included were a couple figures clearly not The Walking Dead; in fact, they look a lot like the body of Tryion and heads of Tyrion and Ned Stark from HBO’s Game of Thrones.

Speculation ran rampant for weeks about whether ThreeZero had added HBO’s Game of Thrones one-sixth scale action figure license to Game of Thrones. ThreeZero finally confirmed the license a couple days ago with a “Winter is Coming” teaser image on Facebook.

As 2014 winds down, ThreeZero once again updated their Facebook page with a second look at Kim’s work table. This teaser image shows the body and head of Michonne, the perfect compliment to the Pet Zombies; fully painted Merle and Daryl Dixon heads; the sheriff’s outfit including hat of Season 1 Rick Grimes; and from Game of Thrones the unique body of Tyrion and an image of one of Khaleesi’s dragons.

If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones and/or The Walking Dead like millions around the world are, stay tuned as we pass along updates regarding the incredible work going on at ThreeZero to bring these characters to life in foot-tall action figure form. Michonne’s Zombie Pets with two exclusive arms is still available to pre-order at ThreeZero’s website with free shipping, but they are expected to be pulled from availability shortly after New Year’s.