Fans of The Goon comic series and nerds in general will be delighted to hear director and producer David Fincher and BLUR Studio have snatched up the series’ rights to produce as a CGI-animated feature-length film.
There’s no denying Fincher has the eye and talent to bring the acclaimed Dark Horse Comic series to life on the big screen. Likewise, BLUR Studio is no slouch when it comes to animation having worked on a variety of short films, commercials and videogame cut-scenes.
Whether Fincher and BLUR will ever get around to breathing life into The Goon is a pretty big concern. Fincher already has Rendezvous with Rama coming up after he polishes off post-production on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Brad Pitt. BLUR looks to have many projects going at any given time and would likely need to hire a full-time staff to work on a feature.
Head on over to the official The Goon website and learn more about the series from creator Eric Powell.
Thanks to ‘SpideyBat’ for the scoop