With filming on The CW’s The Flash well underway and photographers jockeying to snap the first image of Grant Gustin as the titular hero on location, the network took the initiative earlier today and revealed The Flash superhero costume in all of its maroon and gold glory.
A small tease of The Flash costume first appeared two weeks ago when The CW released an image featuring the head of actor Grant Gustin wearing The Flash helmet. It drew comparisons to Captain America’s helmet shape, though the full costume reveal evokes more of a Spider-Man feel.
Three-time Oscar winner Colleen Atwood designed The Flash costume as well as Green Arrow’s look in The CW’s Arrow. For both, Atwood has toned down the bright colors and gone with more of a practical palette that wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb in an urban setting.
“I hope the fans who treasure the character are as excited as we are by what costume designer Colleen Atwood has achieved with this latest version of The Flash’s iconic suit,” said pilot director/executive producer David Nutter, who also worked on Arrow and Game of Thrones.
It may be some time before we get to see The Flash in action with whatever visual effects trickery is utlized to give Barry Allen his superpowered speed. That is assuming The Flash is picked up with a series order by The CW. As it stands only a pilot has been ordered.
I put the odds at The CW ordering a full first season of The Flash at 100 percent given the strong fan reaction to Grant Gustin’s portrayal of Barry Allen in his two episodes of The Arrow.

Source: DC