Steve Carell to Appear in The Office Series Finale Rumor Heats Up

Steve Carell to Appear in The Office Series Finale Rumor Heats UpNBC execs and The Office executive producer Greg Daniels have been saying for months that Steve Carell will not appear in the upcoming series finale. As the big episode nears, it looks like Michael Scott may get one final moment on the small screen.

Sources have told TVLine that Steve Carell will “turn up” in some capacity in The Office season finale. After a couple weeks of speculation, this report is the first time someone has stepped up and said in so many words, “yes, it is happening.”

Last week Daniels fielded a question about Carell’s involvement during a conference call and said, “the ‘Goodbye, Michael’ episode was his goodbye and he didn’t want to overshadow the ending that all the other characters deserved.” That carefully worded response doesn’t say directly that Carell won’t appear. It does say that if he did, his presence would overshadow the regulars who haven’t had their swan song yet.

It had been previously confirmed that Carell was on set for the final day of filming on The Office. Now it appears the stars have aligned and Steve Carell as Michael Scott will get one final “cameo” moment, whether in the company of his office mates or, perhaps more fittingly, dialing in via Skype to offer his best wishes and a final “that’s what she said!”

Carell would join guest stars confirmed by NBC and expected to have more meaty roles including Mindy Kaling and B. J. Novak, amongst others.

Source: TVLine.

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