Star Trek Into Darkness Clip Sees John Harrison Target Spock

Star Trek Into Darkness Clip Sees John Harrison Target SpockJohn Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) clearly put a lot of though and research into his assault on Starfleet based on this latest clip from Star Trek Into Darkness.

The clip is more a montage of Spock moments from the film as Harrison’s deep and disturbing voice dissects the Vulcan’s existence. In Harrison’s eyes, Spock is caught between two worlds, between logic and emotion, and a choice will eventually have to be made. It is Harrison’s intent to force that decision to his advantage.

There are some snippets of new Spock footage in the clip including a few more quick shots of Spock chasing Harrison through the streets and various shots of Spock looking concerned and even screaming at the top of his lungs. Let the speculation begins as to what happens that would set Spock off in such an outburst of emotion.

Star Trek Into Darkness isn’t too far off now with the release date set for May 9, 2013.

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