Here’s a rumor that should get the blood pumping in anyone that ever played a Sly Cooper game on a Sony platform before.
There’s a framed poster making the Internet rounds that appears to be a retail teaser for Sly 5: Master of Thieves. It has key art for the supposed upcoming title and printed clearly in the upper corners are “PS4” and “PS Vita.” It looks legitimate, but its timing doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time was released a few months ago and developed by Sanzaru Games. The previous game was developed by Sucker Punch who is actively developing inFAMOUS: Second Son for PS4. If either of these studios was working on Sly 5 then they shouldn’t be too far long, especially not far enough for a retailer poster to be produced and hanging somewhere for a photograph.
Even so, Gamescom and TGS are still to come and either one could deliver a formal announce for Sly 5 as a surprise release for early-to-mid 2014. I won’t complain if it happens as the Sly Cooper games are loads of fun and often sneak under the radar.

Source: Linkters