Skyfall US and International Trailers See James Bond Rise From the Dead

James Bond 007 (Daniel Craig) has a chip on his shoulder in the new Skyfall theatrical trailer, coming at your today in slightly different domestic and international cuts.

In the Skyfall trailer which loosely sets up the plot, Bond finds himself on the wrong end of a sniper rifle while fighting atop a fast-moving train. The catch is that M appears to be somehow involved in the hit on Bond, and her past decisions are coming back to haunt them both.

Bond reemerges from his plunge into a river, of course, and sets out to take down the blonde locked villain played by Javier Bardem. Here’s hoping Bardem’s character is cooler and more memorable in the finished film than he looks here in the trailer.

Sam Mendes is directing Skyfall and seems to be the right choice for the job based on what we’ve seen so far. The action is fluid and intriguing, aided by backdrops formed from the classic and modern architecture of London. And Daniel Craig seems to naturally slip right back into the role that has helped define his career. Adjusting his cufflink immediately after narrowly escaping death is spot-on Bond.

Two slightly different Skyfall trailers went online this morning. They share much of the same footage in a similar-yet-slightly rearranged manner. One significant difference is the inclusion of a shower sex romp for Bond and one of his ladies that appears in the international version but not the domestic one.

Skyfall starring Daniel Craig as James Bond 007 arrives in theaters on November 9, 2012.

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