Shane Black Will Write Iron Man 3 as a Tom Clancy-Like Thriller

A reader over at AICN attended the Omaha Film Festival this past weekend where Iron Man 3 director Shane Black was featured on a panel. Before long he was discussing Iron Man 3 and revealed some previously unknown details about the 2013 sequel.

Black confirmed that he is not only directing Iron Man 3 but is also developing the story and writing the script as well. He will meet with Robert Downey Jr. this week to start going over story ideas.

Apparently Marvel was not pleased with the direction that Iron Man 2 took so Black is taking a different approach with Iron Man 3. He calls his idea a “Tom Clancy-thriller with Iron Man fighting real world villains” as opposed to two men in iron suits fighting one another.

Black also said that The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and Captain America: The First Avenger deliberately contain crossover characters to set up next summer’s The Avengers movie. Once that’s out, each standalone Marvel film will not include crossover characters starting with Iron Man 3 in 2013.

I’ve been hoping Black would write Iron Man 3 in addition to direct given his pedigree and having worked with Robert Downey Jr. in the past. It’s already assumed that Downey Jr. probably played a big role in Black being hired and for that he deserves a thank you. The pair working on the Iron Man 3 story together should bring out the best of the Iron Man universe.

The “real world villains” comment immediately pushes The Mandarin to the front of the potential Iron Man 3 villains roster. For one, he doesn’t wear an iron suit. He’s also insanely popular and would add an international flavor to the film which fits in with the “Clancy” reference.

With production not expected to begin on Iron Man 3 until early 2012, it could be many months before we learn who will be the latest thorn in Tony Stark’s side.

Source: AICN

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