Two Transformers: Dark of the Moon mysteries were solved in one swift stroke thanks to Hasbro and the arrival of the annual New York Toy Fair this weekend.
Via EW, Hasbro has shared images of the alt-vehicle and robot mode for the long fire truck that was spotted on the streets of Chicago as Michael Bay was filming the third and final film of his Transformers trilogy this past summer. He’s an Autobot, and his name is Sentinel Prime.
A closer look at Sentinel Prime’s face should spark your memory a bit. He has the same face as the frozen robot seen at the end of the Transformers: Dark of the Moon teaser trailer. They are in fact one in the same.

A toy version of that crashed ship on the moon confirms it is the Ark, an updated version of the half-circle yellow transport ship that brought the Transformers to Earth in the generation 1 cartoon series and shuttled them around in the animated Transformers movie. This ship explains how Sentinel Prime is around when Optimus was said to be the last living Prime in Revenge of the Fallen. He crashed eons ago, was thought dead and forgotten about, and somehow astronauts arriving on the moon will tie into his revival.
Michael Bay recently spoke to MTV and confirmed the existence of Sentinel Prime yesterday calling him a “great” character. Speculation from that quote sparked a debate whether Sentinel was the fire truck or the robot in the Ark. He’s cool enough to be both.
Check out Transformers: Dark of the Moon’s Sentinel Prime and Megatron below, the original teaser trailer or the latest trailer high resolution screen caps.
Source: EW