SEGA announces The Club for next-gen consoles

Before developer Bizarre Creations (Project Gotham Racing series) released their famed racer on Xbox 360, they hinted at a new next-gen project in the works but offered little else other than non-descript teases.

Today SEGA unveiled the project to be “The Club,” a third-person action/shooter loosely resembling and perhaps even inspired by “Fight Club.” The Club is an underground league most consider urban legend. It’s members are tasked with violent missions to complete while spectators wager on the results and cheer them on. Expect lots of gunplay, violence and frenetic action in ‘unusual and evocative locations.’ Would a brawl in a strip club be too much to ask for?

“The Club” is scheduled to hit stores next year for next-gen consoles which we’re assuming to be Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 at the minimum with Nintendo Wii a wild card. Look for the first screens and video teaser from E3 in the coming days.

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