See Project Natal for Xbox 360 in Action

Here it is, the first official promo trailer for Microsoft’s new Wii-killer, Project Natal.

The motion control-based system that ditches traditional controllers in favor of 3-D body movements and voice recognition capabilities wasn’t the best kept E3 secret but did manage to raise some eyebrows. You can read all about what makes the system work here.

The promo trailer shows off a couple mini-games, the type of simplistic fare one might expect from a Nintendo game. In fact, swatting balls sent at you might as well be a sequel to Wii Fit.

The last portion is the most interesting purely from a creative perspective. Using your body and maybe that of a partner’s, you can create silhouetted shapes projected onto a canvas that becomes a painting when patterns are applied.I can’t see myself being interested in this application but young kids and families would have a blast.

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