Second Inception Trailer with HD Links

Warner Bros. has dropped a second teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Inception and, like the first, tells us very little other than to expect the unexpected.

The film’s official tagline is “a contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind” and the trailer confirms that a crime has been committed within someone’s mind, most likely Leonardo DiCarpio’s CEO-type character. But is he asleep or awake during this trailer? Or both?

There’s a great shot of a city literally folding over on itself as Ellen Page and DiCaprio look on. This must be in his mind, or their mind ala The Matrix. Either way, Nolan likely has some great twists up his sleeve.

Inception also stars Ken Watanabe as the “bad guy,” Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon Levitt and Batman Begins’ Cillian Murphy. Look for it in theaters on July 16.

Visit to view the Inception trailer in high definition.

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