Sasha Baron Cohen Retiring Bruno and Borat

Millions of people saw the movie versions of Borat and Bruno and countless more caught Sasha Baron Cohen publicizing each film — always in character — on talk shows, the radio and various other outlets.

Now that the world is keyed into the shenanigans of Bruno and Borat, what is next for Cohen’s politically incorrect alter-egos? According to Cohen, nothing at all.

“It’s wonderful that the films are successful, but every new person who sees the movie is one less person I can be Borat or Bruno with again, so finishing a movie means having to say goodbye,” Cohen told Wenn. “Admitting that you’re never going to play the character again is like saying goodbye to a loved one. And that’s hard.”

As a relatively new father Cohen may choose to concentrate on his girlfriend, Isla Fisher, and their almost two-year old child, or work on new characters to bring to the big screen. Whatever he decides, it would appear Bruno and Borat have insulted their last unsuspecting victim.

Read our Bruno movie review.

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