Saints Row IV Pre-Orders Climb with Good Reviews and $10 Amazon Credit

Saints Row IV Pre-Orders Climb with Good Reviews and $10 Amazon CreditDeep Silver’s Saint’s Row IV has proven to be as over-the-top and ludicrous as fans of the franchise hoped. A combination of strong early reviews supporting expectations and a discount offer are helping propel pre-orders heading into next week’s street date.

Over at MetaCritic, Saint’s Row IV currently holds an 86 score based on 29 reviews. Of those, 27 are positive and 2 are mixed. There isn’t a single negative review in the batch. The same will probably hold true at GameRankings once reviews start showing up there as well. It’s hard to refute the data when it so obviously leans toward one end. Saint’s Row IV is more than worth a look.

Online retailer is offering a $10 credit toward a future purchase with an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 Saint’s Row IV pre-order that is submitted before next Tuesday, August 20 release date. That, coupled with the strong reviews, have sent the Xbox 360 version up to the number seven spot on Amazon’s video game bestsellers chart. It might climb a little higher over the course of the next several days as well.

Click here to pre-order Saint’s Row IV at and earn that $10 credit. Note the Super Dangerous Wub Wub Edition for $99.99 as well.

We hope to get our hands on Saint’s Row IV soon and will get to work on a review immediately thereafter.

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