Robert Rodriguez news has been flowing at a steady pace over the past few days including word his Predator franchise reboot dubbed Predators has been given a green light at Fox. Since then it has been confirmed that Rodriguez, or no one else for that matter, is attached to direct and a script is not in place.
Skepticism is unavoidable in this project for the simple reason that Fox has already come forth with a July 7, 2010 release date. That doesn’t leave much time to put this project together from scratch. Unless it isn’t from scratch.
The genesis of this reboot comes from an old treatment Rodriguez put together for a Predator sequel that took place on an alien world where new alien species and Predators clashed in a jungle setting. AICN was able to get Robert to answer a short q/a despite his crazy schedule confirming there’s still a chance that treatment might serve as the starting point for Predators.
“PREDATOR is a masterpiece of the action/science fiction genre. Its been borrowed from so much in other movies and even video games (that will now probably be turned into movies themselves) that I liked the idea that we could have PREDATORS made relatively quickly. What I’d like to do with it is expand on ideas I dreamt up back in the original treatment, that had really expanded on the universe both the Predators and other species live in. We’d create new otherworldly characters while not taking away from the draw our main Predator has. I think another reason I called it Predators was to mark it as a project that should be taken seriously by a filmmaker to make a worthy follow up to a classic, much in the way Cameron made Aliens a compelling work on its own, following Ridley Scott’s Alien.”
Whatever happens, it looks like this Predator reboot will be like nothing we’ve seen before. I only hope the scope is more pronounced than a bunch of aliens shooing each other in the woods.