Prometheus Adds Michael Fassbender, Moves to June 2012

Twentieth Century Fox has moved Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, the upcoming sci-fi flick with strands of Alien prequel DNA running through it, to a June 8, 2012 release date. In addition, a second actor has joined the cast.

Prometheus was originally scheduled for an aggressive release on March 9, 2012. With Disney moving John Carter of Mars out of the June 8 summer season slot to March 9, Fox was quick to avoid the direct competition and move into the newly vacated date.

In final negotiations to star in Prometheus alongside already cast Noomi Rapace is Irish actor Michael Fassbender. Fox and Ridley Scott must have been impressed by Fassbender’s work in Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class, the prequel film that also comes out this June. First Class will also be released by Fox.

The rest of Scott’s Prometheus cast is expected to take shape quickly with production getting underway in the next few months.

Source: Variety

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