PlayStation 4 Game Pre-Orders Outpacing Xbox One

PlayStation 4 Game Pre-Orders Outpacing Xbox OneThe early next generation console adopters are speaking with their wallets to the tune of PlayStation 4 over Xbox One if individual game pre-orders are taken into account.

At online retailer, there are four PS4 games on the top 20 video game bestsellers list before the first Xbox One game appears. Those games include Watch Dogs with 60 minutes of exclusive gameplay for PS4 in position 9, Sony’s own Killzone: Shadow Fall at position 12, Bungie’s Destiny in position 15, and EA’s Battlefied 4 in position 16.

Down in position 18 is where the first Xbox One game appears and that game is, quite obviously, Forza Motorsport 5 Day One Edition. The other Microsoft first-party game with a Day One Edition, Ryse: Son of Rome is hanging out in position 20.

Right now all of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launch games are priced at $59.99. This pricing for physical discs could change between now and the anticipated November/December time frame that these games are expected to arrive in stores. There also exists the potential that Microsoft and/or Sony could offer digital download versions at a slightly lower price.

No matter which way you slice it, the PlayStation 4 games are outpacing the Xbox One games at This is coming from an outlet with a broader and more mainstream audience than would pre-order their games from somewhere like GameStop. As in any good conflict, the winner isn’t who strikes first and declares victory in the first battle. There’s many more years of war left to fight in this next console generation.

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