Peter Berg Updates Hancock 2 Plans

Peter Berg was questioned about Hancock 2 at the Toronto Film Festival by the media after earlier reports suggested an idea was already set and screenwriters had been hired.

Per a report at Variety, Berg responded to questions about Hancock 2 by confirming it is indeed on the way. “Everybody’s going to come back for a sequel,” he claimed, with everybody expected to be Will Smith, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman at minimum.

Berg had initially hinted that Hancock 2 would explore the effect of a third “god” character being introduced into the mix. Variety extends that by stating the sequel will also look into the 3,000 year-old world the gods hail from.

Adam Fierro (Dexter, 24) and Glen Mazzara (The Shield) will be writing the script based on direction by Berg. Hancock 2 is expected to be a summer tentpole film for Sony in 2011 barring any difficulties getting it off the ground.

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