Paramount Looking at Paranormal Activity Sequel

Paranormal Activity has already proven itself a diamond in the rough from which Paramount, its domestic distribution partner, will be counting the cash for many days to come.

Though Paramount could possibly see Paranormal Activity become its highest profitable film ever, the studio will not earn a penny from international box office ticket receipts. But they could from a sequel.

In an interview over the weekend as originally reported by the LA Times, Paramount Chairman Brad Grey spoke directly to the possibility of returning to the world of Paranormal Activity. “We have the rights on a worldwide basis to do Paranormal 2 and we’re looking to see if that makes some sense.”

The answer is yes, Paranormal Activity 2 would make sense from a financial perspective whether the film is garbage or not. The brand is established and curiosity will bring moviegoers in droves. Whether a sequel should be spawned for creative reasons can be answered quite simply: Book of Shadows.

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