‘Overlord’ Xbox 360 Demo Available on Xbox Live

Codemasters has announced a playable Xbox 360 demo of ‘Overlord’ is now available for free download via the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Codemasters describes the demo as follow, “In the demo, players don the Overlord’s illustrious armor and assemble a team of Brown Minions (the brawlers) to head off on a session of serious destruction in the once tranquil area of The Mellow Hills. Descending upon the unsuspecting populace and wildlife, the Overlord must use his loyal minions to gather life-force from the somewhat unwilling sheep, grow the size of his minion horde, and let the Halflings-gone-wild know there’s a new boss in town. Top that off with Minion upgrades, including better weapons and pumpkin helmets, throw in some peasant intimidation and a show-down with the Guard Troll at the Slave Camp, and players will have a taste of the havoc that a Minion horde can wreak.”

We’re all for minions doing the dirty work and can’t wait to jump into the full version when it hits stores on June 26.

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