One Fight Night Round 3 screenshot… one screenshot only, please

Someone at Electronic Arts got a hankering for Russian naval warfare and stepped into the shoes of Marko Ramius. For the non-Tom Clancy fans, he is the hardened captain of the fictional Russian ballistic missle submarine Red October who played a dangerous game of defection by exchanging “pings” with a U.S. submarine. In order to hit us in the face with the graphical greatness that is Fight Night Round 3 on Xbox 360, this person at EA relived Ramius’ request for a single ping by sending along one screenshot. One screenshot only.

I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this single screenshot is enough to reel back in disbelief. Yes, these are arguably the best looking video game people ever conceived and they look even better in motion with battered jaws. If you haven’t grabbed the free demo off of the Xbox Live Marketplace, what the hell are you waiting for? Get downloading, now!

Look for Fight Night Round 3 on store shelves the week of February 20.

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