Nintendo Wii Fit and Balance Board Available Today, Sort Of

Today Nintendo’s super-hyped and ready to sell out Wii Fit and Balance Board peripheral is being released for a mere $89.99. Well, sort of.

If you want to pick up a Wii Fit today, you’ll need to hurry on down to the Nintendo World store in New York. Wii Fit won’t be released anywhere else until this Wednesday, May 21.

The addition of Wii Fit to Nintendo’s Wii lineup makes sense since the Wii console is the first and only videogame system included in the President’s Physical Fitness and Sports Challenge.

How “fit” players will become by exercising with Wii Fit on a daily basis remains to be seen, especially since gamers will naturally gravitate towards more “fun” games after a few rounds of yoga. Moms, on the other hand, will take over the household TV put their Balance Board through its paces and then some.

We have our doubts which you can read more about in our review of Nintendo’s Wii Fit and Balance Board.

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