New Thor Trailer Brings the Action

Marvel and Paramount dropped the second trailer for Kenneth Branagh’s last night featuring a mix of old and new footage from the upcoming next film in the build-up to The Avengers.

This trailer plays almost chronologically to the film with the first third concentrating exclusively on Thor’s (Chris Hemsworth) arrival on Earth and how he’s found and cared for by astrophysicist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). How Thor handles wanting a drink refill in a diner offers an inside look at home he’ll struggle to assimiliate into an Earth society.

The back-half of the trailer cranks up the action and previews the key main opponents Thor will be throwing Mjolnir at. During the course of the film Thor and his fellow Asgardians (including his father Odin played by Anthony Hopkins) will fight Ice Giants on their home world. It looks to be an epic clash that we’ve only caught brief glimpses of thus far.

Thor will also fight Loki (Tom Hiddleston), his power-hungry brother who will stop at nothing to steal the throne from Odin. There are a couple shots – at least one entirely new – of Thor and Loki going at it.

In the finale Thor will take on The Destroyer after it rips through S.H.I.E.L.D. agents like paper. There are several new shots of The Destroyer including one with Thor in the frame so you get an idea of the massive scale this thing is.

Thor will take his fight to theaters on May 6.

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